
I just upgraded a few Ubuntu 16.04 servers to 20.04 and Pound went from v2.7 to v2.8.

Everything seemed to work fine, but after i while i found out that requests that provided a client cert failed (didnt end up in the log even).

So i downgraded to v2.7 and it works fine again, but i would like to bump it back to v2.8 again of course, so does anyone have any hints on what could cause this?

Requests (https) without client-cert work fine, but as soon as a client cert is provided i get an error like this (curl example):

$ curl https://some.server.com/some/path -E cc.pem
curl: (56) OpenSSL SSL_read: error:14094412:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert bad certificate, errno 0

  wbr / Alex

And the conf looks like this:

  Address ...
  Port  443

  # to allow PUT
  xHTTP 1

  HeadRemove "X-Forwarded-For"
  HeadRemove "X-SSL-Subject"
  HeadRemove "X-SSL-serial"

  Cert "/etc/pound/....AllInOne.pem"

  ClientCert      1       1
  VerifyList      "/etc/pound/...crt"
  CAlist          "/etc/pound/...crt"

  # Prefer strong ciphers http://blog.loadbalancer.org/the-poodle-sslv3/
  SSLHonorCipherOrder 1

  Disable TLSv1_1

  Include "/etc/pound/services.cfg"

Alexander Kolodziej
Pattern Matchician, Tactel AB
Phone: +46761452104
Email: alexander.kolodz...@tactel.se

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