
Oh dear. That is a bad 'un. Several utilities exist for recovering
deleted files; as you may know, a deleted file (ie. one that you've put
in the trash and then emptied) is not really erased, it is merely
removed from the list of 'current' files and the space it takes up is
flagged by the operating system as being 'available to be written to'.

Whether the same is true of files that have been copy-replaced with a
file of the same name... I don't know. Maybe someone here of a more
technical bent can answer that. 

However, what I do know is that any file recovery utility is going to
have a much better chance of recovering your files if it was installed
and running BEFORE the file was thrown away or otherwise dispatched into
the great beyond. You could have a look at Prosoft's tools
<www.prosofteng.com>, although I think they are more about getting data
back from corrupt disks... also try Micromat's TechTool Pro... I'm not
sure that either of these are quite the right tools though. The Unerase
feature of Norton Utilities *used* to be the one to use, but these days
STAY THE HELL AWAY. Norton can erase your drive entirely and is no
longer even being updated for the mac.

Anyone else have any ideas?

G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.4.3  ::  PM 5.2  ::  3 pane mode

Shark Attack: A Design Studio

Original message:
Received from Dave Taverner on 5/12/05 at 03:00

>I accidently copied an old database file to my current database file. 
>Is there anyway to retrieve the current database or is it now lost? 
>Using PM 3.3.2

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