cheshirekat sez:

>I think there are others who have the same opinion about email addresses
>and public archives of mailing lists. I also think that those who don't
>care are the ones who haven't had anything negative arise because of
>public mailings lists - or aren't aware of the potential.

I have been on one form or another of electronic communication since
1982. I've never had a problem.

>I didn't know the list was going to become a public list, or I would have
>unsubscribed a while back.

As was said before anyone can join this list by just sending an email
address. No one is screened. It already is, therefore, public.

>Now that option has been taken away because
>the damage is already done. I stopped posting to newsgroups because my
>spam has increased to fifty percent.

One more time: The archive that is proposed REMOVES email addresses. You
would receive no spam from it.

>While there are
>automated processes in place to extract email addresses, I quickly
>learned that there are real people spending time reading public forums
>who also got a real name to use and were able to find other information I
>did not intend to be public.

You do not have to be a member of any forums or even to ever have posted
anything anywhere on the internet for people to be able to find
information about you on the Internet and other easily accessible databases.

>I would think more people would be concerned

There is concerned, and then there is paranoid. :) Of course, if they
really are out to get you, then it is paranoia... :)

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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