This will do what you want...

-- Begin AppleScript

tell application "PowerMail"
        set MySig to the signature of text signature "Sig1"
       (* You'll want to replace "Sig1" with the NAME of your Signature *)
        set MyMessages to current messages
        repeat with i from 1 to count of MyMessages
                set MyNewMessage to item i of MyMessages
                set mycontents to content of MyNewMessage
                set mynewContents to mycontents & return & MySig
                set content of MyNewMessage to mynewContents
        end repeat
end tell

-- End AppleScript

Compile this script, name it something, then add that script to your outgoing 


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Hodgson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 6, 2005 9:37 AM
To: PowerMail Discussions <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: another Applescript appeal - add sig

I'm afraid this is yet another plea for help from a non-Applescripter!

Is there a script available (or could anyone nudge me in the right
direction towards writing one) simply to append a chosen signature? I
just want to attach an 'Execute Applescript' action to a filter, so that
emails to particular recipients get a particular signature.

I did try adapting Wayne Brissette's 'CD to signature' script, but
didn't get very far :)



PowerMail 5.2.1 | OS X 10.4.2 | PowerBook FW/500 | 640MB RAM

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