On 9/24/05, at 11:20 PM, Mikael Byström, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Open the old DB by changing the user environment, export that folder to
>PowerMail Exchange format and change back to the new DB by changing the
>user environment again. Then import that folder.

Mikael, while I was unsure about using "user environment," although I
did see that in the File menu, I did export the folder from the old DB
and import into the newer one. I have since rebuilt the DB so PM ought
to be in good shape and I'll clone this HD to my FWHD.

>Probably, you accidentally deleted the folder. Perhaps you have a
>Powerbook with tap-activation?

Not impossible, but this is an iMac G5 and I'm a 12 year Mac user and a
4 year PM user who hasn't had so much as a beer in the last three weeks.

Thanks for the help!!

Tom Miller
"The only time we see the middle of the road is as
we run from side to side." R.O.Clark

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