Original message:
Received from PowerMail Engineering on 14/9/05 at 10:43

>No; the list is the right place for such suggestions.

Then I have a suggestion/request (in fact I have loads, and I make you
poor souls listen to them on a regular basis, as you well know). It is this:

I would like to be able to organise filters into folders.

I know that filters need to stay in the order that they are applied top-
to-bottom (so just listing them alphabetically is not a good option).
But having the ability to group them in folders would not interfere with
this procedure. I am thinking of a comparison with Photoshop layer sets.
Photoshop layer order is important also (albeit for different reasons)
but layers can still be grouped by folders (called 'layer sets' in pshop). 

It seems that the same could be done in Powermail. The folders would be
invisible to the filter run-order, so the filter structure:

Folder 1
--  Filter A
--  Filter B
--  Folder 2
     --  Filter C
     --  Filter D
Folder 3
--  Filter E
--  Filter F
--  Filter G

Would run exactly the same as the filter structure:
Filter A
Filter B
Filter C
Filter D
Filter E
Filter F
Filter G

It would enormously improve my filter management and save me from my
currently kludgy workaround which is to put 'dummy' filters in the
filter list as section headers ("work filters", "friends", etc).

G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.4.1  ::  PM 5.2  ::  3 pane mode

Shark Attack: A Design Studio

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