A-NO-NE Music sez:

>The good news is this dev machine, x86/P4 Mac seems to be wacky fast :-)

And the interesting thing is that's not even close to what the final
Macintel will be like. By this time next year when the first consumer
Macintels are showing up, the chips will likely be faster, and it may not
even be a Pentium M being used.

Anandtech's Look at Intel's Roadmap

This talks about:

        ·       64-bit support across the entire desktop line by the end of the 
        ·       dual-core desktop chips this quarter
        ·       dual-core *laptop* chips by this time next year
        ·       Vanderpool Technology, which promises to offer OS 
virtualization at
the hardware level -- i.e., the ability to run multiple operating systems
side-by-side on the same CPU.

So, it really is early to be talking too much.

Like many others, the switching the chips doesn't bother me too much,
except that I really do think PPC is better. It just apparently won't be
realized on the desktop computer anymore. If Mac OS dies out, though,
then I'll use whatever I have currently until it's no longer feasible and
then do something with my life that doesn't require computers as much. I
do not like Windows and no longer have the patience to tweak and fiddle
with Linux. :)

Back on topic, kind of, maybe once PowerMail is rewritten to work on the
new Intel Macs natively, then it can be converted over to Windows and CTM
can make more money. Wait -- do Windows users buy anything? ;)

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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