what happens, when you Click on "Show in Finder".
And can you open the attachments from the Finder ?
I think PM just sends an open event to the Finder with the path to the

All the best


iChat/AIM: MatKoyasan
Tel. +81-736-56-3905

Am/On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 19:53:15 -0800 schrieb/wrote Cap Schwartz:

>Odd thing, suddenly I can't open attachments, no matter what kind. I
>don't get many, so this may have been going on for a while. I've done the
>usual: option-ctrl, check all the boxes, restart. But I get an error each
>time I double-click on an attachment: "An STL exception occurred." I
>click on "More Info" and get "Class=std ; what=8; when=100" Anybody seen
>this before? If not, the next step, I guess is to reinstall, etc.
>Thanks in advance,

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