I just upgraded to 5.01 from 4.x myself. I had put it off mainly due to
needing to spend money on other things. I wanted the SpamSieve option,
but my Spamcop account was still active. When that ended Feb 2, I
upgraded. I didn't install until this week, though...

My installation went very smoothly. I just dragged my Powermail mail
folder to a separate partition as a backup, then installed 5.01 and
started it up. My installation was done using my admin account; I started
it in the account I use to work. All it did was ask me for where my mail
folder was, and then it did it's thing. I, too, didn't compact or index
beforehand, but it doesn't seem to have affected anything so far.

SpamSieve was relatively easy to get up and running, too. There was an
update, so I nabbed it before entering my coupon code. Worked just fine.
It's chugging along building a nice big corpus and putting spams

>Was that "mailing list un-subscribe" icon there before and I missed it?
>Very handy.

I don't see this icon. Does it only show up if it knows a message is from
a list?

>Also like the html rendering and the ability to download the images LATER.

Hehheh. I still have mine turned off totally and view it in a browser if
I want to. What a luddite I am. :)

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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