Hi Steve,

thanks for sharing your thoughts.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote Wed, 26 Jan 2005 12:18:04 -0500

>In the end it came down to an issue of 
>stability.  Mail has it, PM doesn't.  

did you verify? The various experiences in our company showed durign the
past few years that many email clients begin to suffer from stability
problems, at least once the amount of emails/data reaches a certain size.
With Claris Emailer I hit the 1 GB barrier a few years ago (and actually
switched to PowerMail, kind of overnight...). Microsoft products are a
non-option to me (they are simply too flakey too often). Eudora was a
nightmare on Mac last time I checked. 

Anyone tried Apple Mail long enought to accumulate hundreds of thousands
of emails? And still see smooth behavior? And what about searching (a
huge plus in PM)?

>At least that is my experience, 
>although Jerome of CTM Dev certainly tried to help.

By now I think if CTM could add maximum stability to PowerMail they'd
have an email client that significantly differentiates itself from any
other client.


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