10.1.2005 Bob Parks wrote:

>PM was working fine for me until about a week ago.  Since then, it will
>not send on some accounts.  If I click send, there is nothing whatsoever
>in the activity window.  Other accounts (including some on SMTP servers
>that are now failing) continue to work fine.
>I tried making a new account with the settings of one of the ones that
>does not work, and it also does not work.
>I can receive on all accounts with no problems.
>Any suggestions?

Obviously a problem of your SMTP-login.
Check the password (if required) of SMTP and the SMPT-server name too.

When did you repair the User Rights last time?
Sometimes PM comes in trouble with passwords when the User Rights are faulty
(specially when in the identity of concerned accounts the option
"password into keychaine" [or similar expression in english] is active,
which should be).

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