On Mon, Jul 5, 200411:27 AM, the following words from marco osti
[EMAIL PROTECTED], emerged from a plethora of SPAM ...

>I have this script someone here suggested to me (tnx); it's pretty
>fine if it'll open the message window instead of creating the new
>message and place it in out tray as draft. I opened the as
>dictionary of powermail: closed just in time avoiding injury :-(
>tell application "PowerMail"
>       activate
>       account "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>       make new message with properties {subject:"ordine  #54575", recipient:
>{"name  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"}}
>       open message
>end tell
>I'm very sorry about this /again-once more/ request but I lost the
>relative messages: which way do you prefer to create/use a template
>message for a daily order? I need to select my relative account
>put the same subject, some address, some signature.

Here is an example:

<Begin AppleScript>
property subj : "Please read - details inside."
property msgTxt : "Important Information for you."
property rTo : "Mr. Nobody  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
property acct : "Name of the Account"
property fldrN : "Business" -- put the name of your folder choice

tell application "PowerMail"
        set the newM to make new message with properties {subject:subj,
content:msgTxt, recipient:rTo, account:acct} at message container fldrN
        open the newM
end tell
<End AppleScript>

I think new messages are automatically created in the Out Tray, unless
you tell PowerMail in your script to create the new message in another
message folder. If you delete the "at message container fldrN" part
above, your message will be created in the Out Tray.

To use this script, just change the values/data of the properties at the
top. For instance, the rTo property is the person you are sending the
message to. You can change it to something like, "cheshirekat
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" or a list of names like, "cheshirekat

I don't see the text signatures as a property of a message, so it appears
it isn't possible to add a text signature to messages. I haven't tried to
do so, but if it is possible others will know about it, though it should
be in the dictionary.



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- Leonard Bernstein (1918 - 1990) 

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