Am 6.6.2004 hat [EMAIL PROTECTED] geschrieben:

>I am finding that I am unable to import large numbers of files in PM5;
>has anyone attempted this, and if so with what results?
>What I am trying to do is take some of my older messages and put them in
>a new user environment (ie, DB) for searching as needed (mainly to get
>rid of false hits).
>The steps I took were:
>1. Select folders to export
>2. Export in PowerMail exchange format
>3. Create new DB (user environment)
>4. Import:
>    Trying to import an entire folder (top option) results in an error
>after the first file has been processed.
>    Trying to import the files one at a time causes PM5 to crash after
>about the 6th file.
>Also, I thought PM was supposed to export a folder and all of it's
>subfolders when exporting... but I only get the top folder. Is this
>correct? If so, it's an oversight that should be corrected. Having to
>select a few hundred folders individually is a real pain.

I guess you're speaking about exporting from PM 4, importing to PM 5?

The most easiest way is:
Look for the directory "PowerMail Files" on your harddisk.
Usually you'll find it here: user/documents
If you're the one and only user of PM on your Mac, place this folder into
the "PowerMail"-program-folder (if there would be an other one with the
same name, first delete this one).
If there are several users, drag the "PowerMail Files"-Folder icon on the
"PowerMail"-program-icon, so that PM can learn where this folder is.

Now you'll have not only all your mails, but also accounts and filters at
your disposition in PM 5

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