On or about Thu, 22 Apr 2004 14:44:13 -0500, harryo spake thus -

>>Excuse me is this now a french mailing list?

>It's only English by default. Since PowerMail is used worldwide I would
>hope we would show a bit more tolerance when these posts occasionally

>Um, you forgot to add the little smiley face at the end of your question.
>It looks like this :) A colon followed by a right parenthesis.
>Richard Hart

Very nice corrections,  remember that even the English speakers don't all
speak American!
I actually like the fact that sometimes there are messages in other
languages on this list, and the fact that answers also sometimes are
supplied likewise.

An off subject question about POPmonitor, which I heard about from this
list, and which I use regularly to stop my daily spam allocation.
It runs like a dog under OS X, but hums along nicely in Classic.
I haven't been able to find any source of info about this issue, has
anyone else had similar experiences, or is it just me? I'm using the
latest version (2.1.3)

10.3.3 on a B/W G3 350MHz


Graham Bradshaw

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