Midi sez:

>I have had a lot of problems sending urls in email to AOL subscribers.
>For a while, using the format below, they seemed to work:
><a href="http://www.pcsfencing.com/yjr04/menu.htm";>www.pcsfencing.com/
>Now that format causes the email to bounce with this message from AOL:
>> (reason: 554-:  (HVU:NR) This email is rejected for containing one or
>>more URLs which do not follow RFC guidelines.  For additional
>>inforI`Eàon, ID=2644032846c8c)

Weird. Maybe AOL has begun rejecting mail with HTML URLs due to spam?
Have you tried sending the URL without the HTML code?


When you paste in a URL, PowerMail will automatically put the angle
brackets around it. The brackets should indicate to the majority of mail
software that everything in between them is a URL, even if it ends up
being broken across lines. Using the HTML code would work, I think, only
if people haven't turned off HTML viewing in their mail program anyway...

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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