On 3/16/03 3:17 PM Jonathan Greene wrote:

>How can we get Scripts to stay in folders from the PowerMail scripts
>menu?  I would really like to group things together for ease of use.  The
>two folders of scripts tend to make the list in the script menu a tad
>unruly...  I guess we could use the system Menu as opposed to the PM one.

I rename my most-used scripts, preceding the original name by an
underscore (-) or some other character. This groups related ones together.

This isn't what you are asking for, but it might do some of what you want.

Leonard Morgenstern

"Fritz, Fritz!" she cried in English.

--Arthur Conan Doyle in "The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb." Was this
a blooper, or did Doyle have a sense of humor????

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