Since june this year I've been in a recurring battle with the gremlins
of email that for some reason, which seem to involve rendering of asian
fonts, appeared in many many spam messages in one of my email accounts.
I'm assuming the messages are asian language spam. I've no way of
telling for sure what's going on. 

What's worse is that beside making a backup prior to every email fetch -
and accepting all real messages will be lost unless they are saved on
the server, which cause other problems (see my concerns since a few
years)  -there's no way to recover the DB. It just won't help to
rebuild, not even deep rebuild. On start, just when the main window is
drawn it crashes.

Anyway, as a crash seems inevitable in this account I can't live with
this situation any longer. For the time being I'm connecting and
deleting all spam messages by hand instead, but this is quite tedious
and if I make the mistake to check this account even once I lose my DB again.

The earlier crashes was recovered with PowerMail Salvage, but while it's
great I get the messages back its operation also takes time and fusing
the (newly arrived) recovered messages with a backup of the DB creates a
long line of problem, including umlauts being destroyed beyond recovery
and also bring an element of uncertainty to the removal of unavoidable
duplicate messages (which I have an applescript that does).

I have not reported this to CTM as doing so and volunteering to bug test
and look for probable causes seems to be a futile action, for my range
of problems at least.

What I'm planning to do is closing the account since 6 years. But what I
do when these types of email hit my other accounts? What other choice do
I have beside abandoning PowerMail? Unless this problem is stopped now,
this is what I'm looking at and if so chances are this problem may
affect all of you sooner or later.

I do realize that chances are that if SpamSieve was better at catching
these messages they wouldn't even show up in the inbox, which seems to
be when they crash. But I would still crash when I looked over what
SpamSieve had put in the spam folder and in the trash. Meaning I would
risk losing real messages, which needless to say is unacceptable.
PM 5.2.3 Swedish | OS X 10.4.5 | Powerbook G4/400Mhz | 1GB RAM | 30GB HD

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