
Jérôme had forwarded your manual unsubscribe request last week and I
looked into it immediately. However, having found that you are
positively, absolutely not registered under:


or any entry with your first, last or complete name Sead Lejlic, I had
assumed that you had unsubscribed yourself. Apparently not.

Following your message to the list this morning I looked again, and
cannot find you under the above searches. You must have subscribed under
another e-mail address that might get forwarded to you or so, but we can
only unsubscribe known entries !

Please contact us off of the list via direct e-mail with the information
and we will solve this, as it seems that our web server's form system is
not processing queries correctly.

Best regards,

jean michel/ctm qa

On Wed, 4 Oct 2006 10:37:03 +0200, Sead Lejlic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hi there,
>I was trying for some time to unsubscribe from the list.
>No success. Mails keep coming in.
>I contacted Jerome and really kindly asked them to fix the obvious
>bug in the list server that prevented me from unsubscribing (and also
>prevented from seeing complete mail address that mail is sent to).
>So, here is  the deal:
>I want to be taken off from the list and since I have no other
>possibility, I will have no option but to report CTM dev as spammer.
>In addition, if this is not solved asap. I will have my autoreply
>setup to flood the list. I am sorry that this will affect all of you
>and certainly will not make me popular but, at least I hope that
>this, as the final measure will initiate those who should know how to
>take someone off from the list to actually do it - that is all I ask
>Best regards,

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