Yes, I'd love this feature as well. Way back in the day before I
switched to PM I used Eudora and I found it surprisingly useful.
Often I receive emails that I can see, from the text spacing, were
composed using a fixed width font -- generally because the sender was
dividing text into columns, eg. for a price estimate.
In those situation it would be nice to be able to see what they wanted
me to see without having to do a lot of opening, changing and saving
preferences (and then changing and saving them again when I'm done).


G5 2GHz x2  ::  2GB RAM  ::  10.4.7  ::  PM 5.5b2  ::  3 pane mode

Shark Attack: A Design Studio

Original message:
Received from Tim Hodgson on 7/11/06 at 13:59

>I think this may have come up before, but not for a while. I'd love a
>command to set the current message's font to a fixed-width. Handy if
>you're sent tabulated data, ASCII sketches etc. Eudora and some
>newsreaders have the feature.
>(From a quick glance at the PM Applescript dictionary, I don't think
>there's a way to script this, but I'm certainly no AS expert.)

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