From using eMA (email Message Archiver) for many years, I switched
recently to DevonThink OFFICE (it's in beta right now). I've been using
DevonThink for several years to store the ton of accumulated stuff, and
their new office version has a great email importer (saves all to RTF
files) and very good support for PowerMail import.

Searching large database has always been DevonThink's strength and this
is now 99% perfect for me. The 1% missing is that attachments will not
be imported nor linked, so you need to remember to remove them manually
from PowerMail Attachment folder before trashing archived messages. And
yeah, there are no links in the email which tell you which file was
attached (oddly enough I have seen some iCal attachments make it
through). I don't know if they will add some virtual linking or such in
later versions.


------------ former message(s) quotes: -------------

>>Since the 2 gig database limit is going to remain, I need to start
>>either looking at multiple-database operation, or looking for a new
>>mail client. I'd rather not leave PowerMail

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