Wayne Brissette wrote:

>And as an old timer myself. I'm just as tired of people trying to make
>PM an HTML email client. Having a text email client has so many
>advantages that I'm not sure where to begin. Probably the two most
>important are that there is no way of faking people out and trying to
>make it seem like the link they are clicking on belongs to one place
>when it actually goes somewhere else. The other major advantage is it's
>hard to embed any type of virus code except as an attachment. 
>I think the bottom line is no matter what path is chosen nobody is ever
>100% happy. 
>As for the future of PM, who knows. People have written this company and
>product off for years, yet it still lives on. 

Please note that I am not asking for PowerMail to become an HTML-based
program. I just want it to print the way one expects.

I agree with you on the security issues. On web browsers I keep the
Status Bar active. Then when I put the cursor on a link it shows me
where the link goes before I click.

- Winston

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