I have had a very perplexing problem on a PowerMail install that has
been there for years, although the user has worked around it, all this
time.  Now it needs to be gone.

It used to be that when PM started to download mail (most likely
triggered  by attachments), it would auto-open Adobe Illustrator.  It
was very annoying, since, at that time, the older version of Illustrator
on this computer would "Unexpectedly Quit", leading to looping dialog
boxes in and out of PM.  Illustrator wasn't used, so I removed it from
the computer, and ever since then the user has just been clicking
Cancel, over and over again, as PowerMail asked "Where is Adobe
Illustrator 10?"

I just set this user up on a new Mac, and it is embarrassing to see a
"Choose Application" dialog pop up 20 or 30 times in a row while
PowerMail fetches mail.  I had assumed that this was a file-mapping bug
(if that's the word for it) in some System file, since nowhere in PM can
I find a preference for file-mapping, but it migrated with PM to the new Mac.

If it is a PM preference, the next question would be which one?  I find
a User Prefs in Library/Mail/PowerMail Files, and there are two files,
com.ctmdev.PowerMail.plist and PowerMail Prefs in the user Preferences
folder.  Which one does what?

Anthony R. Sanna
SACO Foods, Inc.

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