Irene told:

>If I open PM again and use the same script and then quit - PM crashes.
>After that it is hit or miss whether PM will crash at quit after using
>any script.
>If I quit PM when I have not used a script, it does not crash.


Do you sync to the Apple addrees book? If so, how is the sync set up?
I don't recognize your set of problems. Perhaps someone else have
similar experiences?

One way to try is to quit PM, move the "com.ctmdev.PowerMail.plist"
temporarily to the desktop, relaunch PM and repeat your scripting usage
pattern and see if it's any different.

If it is, change the setup of syncing to not sync at all or only go one
way, not in both directions. 


Tech facts:
PM 5.5.3 Swedish | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook G4/400 Mhz | 1GB RAM | 80GB HD

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