Ken Pope wrote:

>I have tried discarding PM and re-installing a new
>copy.  I've tried the "update search index" and "compact search
>index."  (I've also compacted the message database countless times.)

Have you tried to rebuild the search index completely, from the First
Aid dialog (press command-option when launching PM)?

Jérôme - CTM Engineering

   "When Google Desktop was released I immediately downloaded it. I was
    hoping to find something better than FoxTrot.
    What I found was that it didn't find many files that FoxTrot does
    find, and that the indexing process was uncontrollable, and it brought
    my Dual-Core MacBook Pro to its knees. The computer was almost unusable
    while it was being indexed.
    I understand that they have brought out a new version, but I have
    deleted it from my disk (and have turned off Spotlight indexing in the
    FoxTrot preference panel).
    I don't often need an indexed search of my disk, but when I do, FoxTrot
    is hands down the best."
  Alan Harper, FoxTrot Personal Search user

         Download a demo version from

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