Am/On Mon, 10 Dec 2007 22:55:41 -0500 schrieb/wrote Mark Gerber:

>GWB claims that on 12/11/07 at 10:15 PM
>the NSA never heard Matthias Schmidt say:
>>it looks like to be an Intel only issue.
>>It worked fine on my G4 Powerbook.
>No, I don't think so: I'm using a G3 upgraded to a G4.

meanwhile I also don't think so anymore.
This morning, after the G4 was shut down, PM started asking for passwords.

This is truly a bug, an annoying bug.
Some of the code changed and some changes did break something.
Why was there no beta test?
Beta-testing is for avoiding such pains on the user side.

Thanks and all the best


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