I said earlier:

>Actually, on the next connection it did. I'm not sure yet on what the
>difference was.
>And it's better to test this with a sound as having the dialog popup was
>a real nuisance.

Well, as it were I forgot I added

Folder is [in box] 
older than [1] days

and I had set "if any condition is met". So it was because the incoming
was going to the inbox the action was triggered. I changed it to "all
conditions" instead.

So results so far with sound playing as the action are with these
conditions and newly sent messages:

Folder is [in box]    >>> Sound play =  Works!

Folder is [in box]  &
older than [0] days >>> Sound play =Works!

Folder is [in box]  &
older than [1] days >>> Sound doesn't play =Works!

These results also mean that most likely my earlier postulated theory
that all filter conditions only apply to messages that are incoming from
the current connection or that have been selected and with the filters
performed from the Mail menu and not for messages that have been fetched


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