Am/On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 15:46:22 +0900 schrieb/wrote Paul Collett:

>Since updating to the latest version of Spam Sieve (2.6.6) last week,
>it's stopped intercepting any spam that's getting through. These are the
>same kinds of messages that were getting successfully marked as spam
>earlier. Has anyone else noticed a similar problem? Any possible
>suggestions for fixes would be welcome.
>I'm using the latest version of Powermail, 5.6.1, with Leopard.

I had the same problem recently.
This here helped:

it says:
Quit PowerMail, then delete the folder:

/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/PowerMail

and then re-launch it. (If the script files that PowerMail uses to
communicate with SpamSieve may be damaged, this will fix them.)

you need to copy your own scripts again to the folder before starting PM, so.
But this at least fixed my issue.

Thanks and all the best


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