This is a message I tried to send last night that bounced back, apparently because I had attempted to include some HTML (which, I think, was in the INcoming message). Anyway, here it is again:

My thanks to all of you who have taken the time today to respond to my

I'll take a closer look at all the suggestions tomorrow.  I also found
the manual this morning and will spend some time with that before
posting any more questions.

In the meantime, I thought I'd mention this:

One reply wondered why I would want to edit an incoming message.
Here's an a good example:

On Mar 30, 2008, at 5:16 PM, Don Zahniser wrote:

You might want to check out:

I have deleted the HTML reference here, since I think that's what caused the original message to bounce back. It was a link to a page at But the link appeared fragmented, on two lines, about which I wrote:

The link here doesn't work because it formatted itself into two lines.
I need to have the entire thing.  When this has happened in Eudora, it
was easy to open the message, delete the line break, and when the
message was saved the revised message worked fine.

In this case, after I've sent you all this message, I will re-send it
to myself, with the link repaired.

Also, re: POP3 -v- IMAP.  I used POP3 for the entire time I used
Eudora.  It was not until I purchased in iPhone that I discovered that
I needed to try IMAP, because the stupid iPhone client will not let a
user create mail boxes other than the inbox.  With my previous PDA
(Treo 650), I could create a box for "keeper" messages that I wanted
to be able to access or reply to on the phone.  I can't do that with a
POP3 account on the iPhone (a rather egregious shortcoming in my
estimation, but I still like the iPhone).  The only way to manage
messages on the iPhone was by switching to an IMAP account and
managing everything via Apple Mail and then syncing all that to the
phone.  That, at any rate, is why I'm using IMAP now instead of POP3
-- because of the iPhone.

And this is what the message said when I bounced back.

Your message could not be posted to the PowerMail discussions list because
the message contained HTML and the list does not accept HTML messages.

For more information, you can contact the list administrator at:

  CTM listmaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

That's all for now, thanks again for the many replies to my initial queries.


- - - - - - - -
Paul Schatzkin, aka The Perfesser
- - - - - - - -
Don't look now but this was sent from... a Mac!

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