
I confirm: a Message Database index file can indeed be deleted as it
gets reconstructed by PowerMail on request and should not result in an
incomplete search index if properly reconstructed, i.e. by requesting so
in the PowerMail first aid dialog.

The reason you might have had an incomplete index in the past might have
been for having deleted it manually without the application flagging
messages as unindexed in the database; by updating the index in the
menu, you were most likely only indexing those messages only that
PowerMail's message database had marked as unindexed; hence the
operation in the PowerMail First Aid dialog which is more thorough as it
declares all messages as unindexed before reindexing all.

Kind regards,

jean michel / ctm qa

On Thu, 15 May 2008 11:15:28 +0200, MB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>CTM info sa såhär:
>>Afterwards, the one file that you can safely delete is "Message Database
>>index" and then try rebuilding this.
>Wait a minute. Didn't you say earlier in another conversation that
>deleting the "Message Database index" file and rebuilding a new one from
>scratch will not result in a complete search index? Please clarify, as I
>have had tremendous problems with my indexes for years after deleteing
>that file a couple of times.
>Lately, though rebuilding seems to have finally resulted in a usable
>index, but I'm not sure what I did and would like to know. As most
>likely many others would as well.
>PM 5.6.3 build 4504 sv / SpamSieve 2.6.6 sv | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook
>G4/400 | 1GB / 80GB

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