More and more e-mail is in html format. Hardcore PowerMail users say they don't want to be bothered with this mail, that most of it is spam anyway, but that's not true in my community. When html mail arrives, PowerMail wants you to make a choice... open your web browser to read it, download the images, or read it as plain text (which sometimes turns out to be a blank screen). Other mail programs assume you want to read it, unless it's spam. What's more, the procedure for forwarding an html message is even more complicated than simply reading it, as others have been discussing on this list. A few extra keystrokes for each and every bit of html mail adds up to a big waste of time for users who don't want to try to stem the tide of html mail by ignoring it.


On 6/13/08 Kjell Olausson wrote:
Could you explain "extra keystrokes to read an ever-increasing amount
of mail"? I don't understand that part of your mail.

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