Hi Jérôme,
Thanks for the explanation. It always helps to understand the problem.

Whether we all like it or not, html mail is becoming more common, not
less. So let's look forward to a solution.

Would it be possible to let Webkit provide the services to view the html
message within PowerMail? Could the complex message be assembled on the
fly when there is a request to view a certain complex message? So maybe
it would not be necessary to change the PM db structure, and still
provide more robust viewing of html messages.

This might also be helpful when the PowerMail user wants to "reply" to a
"blank message with html attachment, so the message text could be quoted
(as plain text, or even, Gasp! in it's original format). That would be a
labor-saving advancement.

When I receive one of these html messages (as an attachment) I generally
open the html attachment with Safari or FireFox, copy the text and run
the script "Replace Message Text with Clipboard" to put this text into
the received incoming message.  Then I can delete the html attachment.

If the incoming message displayed any text at all, then I add a step:
after copying the text from the web browser, I paste it into
TextWrangler, copy any text from the PM message, paste into Text
Wrangler to assemble the entire desired message to save, then copy & run
that script to put this text into the incoming PM message. Kind of a lot
of busy work that I don't always have time for.

Here is the script for anyone that wants it.
After Unzipping, drop this script into
 ~/Mail/PowerMail Files/Customs Scripts  and restart PM.

Perhaps this could be automated & built into PowerMail?
Or perhaps PowerMail can use Webkit to display the message on request?
Or since AppleMail is scriptable and has a framework, (getting wild
here) maybe PowerMail could send html messages to AppleMail for
processing and return. Or even better, if PowerMail includes a a
converter/html display engine so that PM will still work after Apple
changes something again. None of us would want PM to break just because
Apple changed something (again) in the OS or iApp.

Somehow, there can be a solution.

 Dave N

in reply to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), PowerMail Engineering's message of 5:12
AM, 6/20/08

>Yes, PowerMail has some limitations when displaying complex messages,
>which contain mixed HTML and plain text parts, or multiple HTML parts.
>These limitations are not easy to fix: this would require modifying how
>messages are saved in PowerMail's database, and combining multiple parts
>in a single HTML view can produce unexpected results, depending on how
>the HTML parts are designed. We chose to handle these messages as if the
>HTML parts were attachments, so you can display them individually in the
>web browser. Also, although these messages are valid regarding the MIME
>standard, it is normally the job of the sending email client to format
>complex messages in a unique HTML part, rather than the receiving email
>client to handle multiple HTML or HTML+text parts.
>Jérôme - CTM Engineering

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