Label me clueless, but what is the easiest way to check messages
according to the current set schedule, if it is set to never check
messages on the specific accounts? Or alternatively establish a
connection to either the accounts in the current schedule or to named
group of accounts?

PowerMail is not running at the starting point, so it will have to be
activated intitally of course. 

Then we could tell system events to click the relevant menu item or
keypress the shortcut, but is there a built-in alternative I'm missing? 
An alternative idea would be to set a schedule that checks every second
or so to the active one, but that does seem a bit of an overkill, no?
But in absence of better alternative it will have to do. 

The dictionary doesn't contain anything obvious (to me).


PM 5.6.5 build 4509 sv / SpamSieve 2.7.1 sv | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook
G4/400 | 1GB / 80GB

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