Hi - I have been using this script for removing references to
attachments that does not exists.

On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 2:02 PM, Jan M.J. Storms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> adapted from some other script. I tested it and it works:
> tell application "PowerMail"
>        set attachFolder to attachment folder
>        set theMessages to current messages
>        repeat with msg in theMessages
>                set msgStatus to status of msg
>                set attachList to attachments of msg
>                if (count items of attachList) > 0 then
>                        repeat with attachIdx from (count items of attachList) 
> to 1 by -1
>                                delete attachment attachIdx of msg
>                        end repeat
>                end if
>        end repeat
> end tell
> Success,
> Jan

Works perfect! However I still have to problems:

1. Finding mails with references to missing attachments. I have done
it manually but I have many thousands messages with attachments - some
of them with lost attachment. Is it possible to make a script to find
all those and select them, or even better label them yellow (or

2. I would also like the script above to label updated emails, I
suppose it only requires one line of code but I dont know


/per å

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