Am/On Mon, 8 Sep 2008 21:23:56 -0500 schrieb/wrote Michael Lewis:

>Michael Tsai sez:
>>Yes, it runs faster on Tiger. Apple made some of the APIs much slower
>>in Leopard.
>Sorry for drifintg off topic a bit, but this makes me want to ask
>I haven't used the newer Leopard yet. This makes me want to ask if the
>slowness is noticeable on newer Macs or not? I didn't install it on my
>current G4 systems because I suspected it would bog down, but I figured
>that'd be more due to the eye candy than the internal stuff.

I'm running Leopard on both, a G4 PowerBook and a MacBook Pro and we are
very pleased with the performance and stability on both boxes.
The G4 doesn't feel slower than under Tiger.

Thanks and all the best


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