Am/On Sun, 30 Nov 2008 20:19:57 -0500 schrieb/wrote Winston Weinmann:

>Is there an easy way to forward a message with the full header first? I
>want to be able to forward messages to when I get spam I
>think they could help address.
>Right now the only way I can figure out to do it is to switch to "Show
>plain text with header", then copy the message into a new message to
>, then edit it to put the header information first. (SpamCop
>requires that the header come first and I have to delete the separator
>lines.) This is a lot of trouble if I have several to send.
>Also, suggests that the spam be forwarded as an attachment,
>which apparently many email programs can do. Can't figure this out with

imho you can do this with AppleScript.
There's a script called "Show Source in TextEdit".
You could use that one as starting point.

all the best


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