Marko Hehl ( wrote:

> Okay a additional question, at Apple Mail there is a nice option which I
> missed a lot in Powermail. The option for showing the X-Mailer at the PM
> short header. At PM I must show at the long header to getting
> information about the X-Mailer. This is not so nice. Is there also a
> option, like at Apple Mail, to show the X-Mailer at the short Header?

No, I don't think so; the header fields shown in the short header
display aren't configurable. On the other hand, you could define an
AppleScript to display the desired enfo; for example:

tell application "PowerMail"
        set theMessages to current messages
        repeat with msg in theMessages
                set theHeaders to the headers of msg as string
                set HeaderLinesCount to the number of paragraphs in theHeaders
                repeat with n from 1 to HeaderLinesCount
                        set aHeaderLine to paragraph n of theHeaders
                        if aHeaderLine starts with "X-Mailer:" then
                                set theXMailer to (characters 11 thru -1 of 
aHeaderLine) as string
                                display dialog theXMailer buttons {"OK"} 
default button 1
                                exit repeat
                        end if
                end repeat
        end repeat
end tell

There may be a better way, but it works (and it beats scrolling down to
the X-Mailer line in the long headers).

- Michael

Michael J. Hußmann

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