Am/On Sun, 17 May 2009 00:23:58 +0200 schrieb/wrote Marko Hehl:

>thank you for that hint. I use also the german version :o) But this
>option is not applied at my filter rules. So I think it's a mistake by
>PM itself.

imho you have some logical misstake in the setup of your filters somewhere.
I use a lot of filters as well and the y just work as expected.
It is easy to make somewhere a (mostly logical) misstake, which stays
unnoticed and shows up only under certain circumstances with a wired

>Also I get the same trouble with the search function as
>mentioned earlier by the other PM users. Often I have to start a search
>twice to get a result (at the worst case I have to search manually).
>Sounds like a additional bug. As I use the PM version 5 at my 10.3.9 the
>search function and the recent post function has worked very well. Since
>I have make the switch to 10.5.6 (now 10.5.7) an PM version 6 (at the
>same machine - a imac G5) I have get these problems.

Try to make a database reconstruct.
Maybe something in your database is somehow not ok.
I don't see these problems here.


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