Same here - I've sent the crash log, however, have yet not received an answer.

Looking at the reports it seems that the reason has changed. It looks different 

Process:         PowerMail [15439]
Path:            /Applications/Apps/*/
Identifier:      com.ctmdev.PowerMail
Version:         PowerMail version 6.2.1b1 build 4668 (6.2.1b1)
Code Type:       X86 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [237]
Responsible:     PowerMail [15439]
User ID:         501

Date/Time:       2013-11-27 09:00:27.695 +0100
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9 (13A603)
Report Version:  11
Anonymous UUID:  67179C5E-5012-9BE2-702A-A6F910BFC3A2

Sleep/Wake UUID: 948517DF-D6EE-41BD-B8F7-FA4F724ED11C

Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x000000000000001c

VM Regions Near 0x1c:
--> __PAGEZERO             0000000000000000-0000000000001000 [    4K] ---/--- 
SM=NUL  /Applications/Apps/*/
    __TEXT                 0000000000001000-00000000005a3000 [ 5768K] r-x/rwx 
SM=COW  /Applications/Apps/*/

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002e9149 
LArray::AttachIterator(LArrayIterator*) const + 9
1   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002ea6dd 
LArrayIterator::LArrayIterator(LArray const&, long) + 45
2   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x00018cbb start + 19735
3   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002e48ea 
LModelObject::AEPropertyExists(unsigned long) const + 90
4   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002e59c2 
LModelObject::GetModelTokenSelf(unsigned long, unsigned long, AEDesc const&, 
AEDesc&) const + 802
5   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x0001fee9 start + 48965
6   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002e3f11 
LModelObject::GetModelToken(unsigned long, unsigned long, AEDesc const&, 
AEDesc&) const + 193
7   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002e2018 
LModelDirector::AccessModelObject(unsigned long, AEDesc const&, unsigned long, 
unsigned long, AEDesc const&, AEDesc&, long) + 72
8   com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002e25bd 
LModelDirector::ModelObjectAccessor(unsigned long, AEDesc const*, unsigned 
long, unsigned long, AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, long) + 77
9                        0x965a0776 TryAccessor(HandlerTable*, 
iCallAccessor_EnvRec*) + 262
10                        0x965a0594 iCallAccessor + 221
11                        0x965a22ac InternalResolve(ObjRecord**, 
short, unsigned long, AEDesc*, unsigned char*, AEDesc*, unsigned char*) + 816
12                        0x965a30bb iAEResolve + 267
13                        0x965a3410 AEResolve + 32
14  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002e244d 
LModelDirector::Resolve(AEDesc const&, AEDesc&) + 61
15  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002e30e8 
LModelDirector::HandleAppleEvent(AEDesc const&, AEDesc&, long) + 104
16  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002e38de 
LModelDirector::AppleEventHandler(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*, long) + 62
17                        0x9659db15 aeDispatchAppleEvent(AEDesc 
const*, AEDesc*, unsigned long, unsigned char*) + 387
18                        0x9656ced6 
dispatchEventAndSendReply(AEDesc const*, AEDesc*) + 44
19                        0x9656cdce aeProcessAppleEvent + 318
20                 0x910c37c1 AEProcessAppleEvent + 55
21  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x000161d9 start + 8757
22  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x003334e3 
LTSMDocApp::ProcessNextEvent() + 163
23  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x0002478c start + 67560
24  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x002ec968 LApplication::Run() + 104
25  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x0002a490 start + 91372
26  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x0001409f start + 251
27  com.ctmdev.PowerMail                0x00013fcd start + 41

>Every time I start this version of PowerMail it crashes and I have to
>click on the "Reopen" button to get it going.
>From the log:
>>Nov 27 07:26:34 Thor[180]
>>(com.ctmdev.PowerMail.3904[93823]): Job appears to have crashed: Bus
>error: 10
>I can send the crashdump if required.
>>attention: PowerMail-discuss listmembers
>>We are pleased to announce the release of PowerMail 6.2.1b1, available from:
>>         <>
>>This version brings:
>>? Fix for an occasional SMTP sending problem introduced with the
>>Mavericks networking code rewrite
>>? The "PowerMail Additions" folder location has changed inside the
>>application package
>>? Latest version of SpamSieve 2.9.11 now included on the disk image
>>Kindly post your findings on the above points to this list ASAP, since
>>we are eager to release a 6.2.1 to all customers.
>>Thank you, and best regards,
>>jean michel/ctm qa

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