
In the DOE we are getting into a difficulty in calibrating some of our older 
radiation instruments.

The DOE is phasing out our 32 bit computers and moving to 64 bits and newer 
software.  However some of our radiation instruments were purchased 20 or more 
years ago and their calibration and communications software was developed to 
run on the 32 bit computers from back then.

Presently we can still use our 32 bit computers BUT there is NO computer 
division support to keep those computers running.  Plus we are NOT allowed to 
have our 32 bit computers on the internet which impacts our ability to update 
databases and even print a cal report.

The main instruments that are impacted here at Los Alamos are; Eberline E-600, 
Eberline RMS-3, and Canberra ASM1000.  Those 3 models amount to just under 
1,000 units.

IF we cannot calibrate these instruments then they will have to be replaced 
before their time.

IF we have to replace these older instruments because we cannot calibrate them 
there is a tremendous cost not just in purchasing replacement instruments but 
in developing new calibration and operating procedures AND the training for 
those new procedures.

I propose that we, the users, of those models AND others I am not aware of need 
to band together to find a software solution to support instruments that are 
still functional in and some cases the better choice than brand new instruments.

Is there a real need to put a lot of effort into what I propose ?

How many instruments do you have that are affected by the lack of support from 
the original instrument manufacturers to bring their software up to date for 
the older instruments?

Best regards

Its NOT a Problem,


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