Danny Kukawka wrote:
> On Sun Jan 22 20:37:03 2006 Sebastian Kügler wrote:
>> On Wednesday 18 January 2006 21:29, Jonathan Riddell wrote:
>>> Has anyone had experiences with kpowersave?  It seems better
>>> maintained than the klaptopdaemon we use at the moment but I'm looking
>>> for experiences of whether it's more reliable or not.

I'm the Debian maintainer of the (k)powersave packages and I'd be
thrilled if (k)powersave would be chosen as the default power management
solution for kubuntu.
Regarding the features klaptopdaemon is no match for (k)powersave.
In addition the upstream developers have shown to be very friendly and
responsive. All of the patches and suggestions I proposed them were
integrated promptly. The current versions (powersave-0.11.6 and
kpowersave-0.5.4) are already a big improvement compared to the latest
stable release. Many SUSE specific details have been removed or made
configurable. I'm working hard to make (k)powersave well integrated into
Debian and hopefully kubuntu too (current versions of (k)powersave are
in the dapper universe repo btw.).
I'm very interested in good cooperation with kubuntu and if there are
remaining issues I'm sure we can fix them together.


Please CC me, I'm not subscribed to kubuntu-devel.

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