On Montag, 9. April 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Monday 09 April 2007 14:16:05 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > When starting it, it just crashes producing this backtrace:
> Forgot to mention, that it first was running fine, but it crashed when I
> tried changing the CPU scaling mode to "powersave".
> Since then, I couldn't start it anymore.

The proplem is: I can't reporduce this on SUSE. I need some more info:

- which distribution ?
- have you policykit or consolekit running?
- could you recompile KPowersave with --enable-debug-msg, start kpowersave 
from console and send the output from console when the crash happen
- a strace with -s 1024 as option would also useful
- could you may try SVN HEAD? 
  (svn co 
https://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/svn/powersave/trunk/kpowersave)



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