Hi Murphy and Tim,

Thanks a lot for your comments.

having gotten your idea about capturing the packets and sending full-payload of 
the packets to the controller, finally I ran the following command in POX:

./pox.py misc.full_payload openflow.debug openflow.discovery

Unfortunately the problem hasn't been solved yet.

The openflow error message "type: OFPET_BAD_REQUEST (1) Error: code: 
OFPBRC_BUFFER_UNKNOWN (8)" is still remained and  the related  OpenFlow error 
message in Wireshark is as follow:

OpenFlow Protocol
    Version: 0x01
    Type: Error (SM) (1)
    Length: 28
    Transaction ID: 0
  Error Message
    Type: Request was not understood (1)
    Code: Specified buffer does not exist (8)
    Data: 010d00100000001d643829a000070000
      OpenFlow Protocol
            Version: 0x01
            Type: Packet Out (CSM) (13)
            Length: 16
            Transaction ID: 29
         Packet Out
            Buffer ID: 1681402272
            Frame Recv Port: 7
            Size of action array in bytes: 0
        Output Action(s)
            Warning: No actions were specified
When I've compared the packets captured in Wireshark in a real testbed (OFELIA) 
with packets captured in my local machine, I realized something strange 
happend. (running openflow.discovery the controller sends packet_out messages 
to all switches, instructing them to send a LLDP packet via each of its ports. 
When an LLDP packet is received by a switch at the other end of the link, the 
switch sends a packet_in message to the controller, and the controller can 
detect a link between these two switches/ports). I have been experiencing an 
extra packet_out from the controller after receiving each packet_in message 
from the switch- to detect a link. An strange thing here is a buffer_id number 
alongside packet_in messages, while there shouldn't be any buffer id as I used 
"misc.full_payload" and that extra packet_out has the same buffer_id with " No 
actions were specified" which I think triggers the OpenFlow error message.
I really appreciate any insights or suggestion regarding this problem.
Thanks so much.
Best regards,

From: Tim Upthegrove [tim.upthegr...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 10 October 2014 10:59 PM
To: Farzaneh Pakzad
Cc: pox-dev@lists.noxrepo.org<mailto:pox-dev@lists.noxrepo.org>
Subject: Re: [pox-dev] OFPBRC_BUFFER_UNKNOWN in OFELIA testbed
Hi Farzaneh,

I would also suggest that in general, if you are using a shared testbed of 
hardware OpenFlow switches, you might not want to rely on the switch buffers 
anyway.  The availability of the buffers is not something you can really 
control, so it can be hit or miss.  That is somewhat side-stepping the issue 
you asked about, but it is my 2 cents.  There are instructions for getting the 
full payload in your packet-ins in pox at:


You would likely need to modify your controller logic as well to handle the 
packet-outs/flowmods appropriately after the payloads arrive.


Tim Upthegrove

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 11:47 PM, Murphy McCauley 
<murphy.mccau...@gmail.com<mailto:murphy.mccau...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Flowvisor can certainly cause issues which don't generally come up under 
non-Flowvisor use.  The first thing you might do is see if you can find out 
which version of Flowvisor is being run and see if this is a known issue.  Bug 
FLOWVISOR-133, for example, describes something which could certainly cause the 
behavior you're seeing (though it's now quite old).

The next thing you can do to try to understand what's happening is to capture 
the OpenFlow traffic (you can use POX's openflow.debug component or tcpdump or 
wireshark or whatever) and examine it.  You can associate the errors with the 
specific OpenFlow command that caused them and see if there's anything 
noteworthy.  Looking at the timestamps, the number of events, the specific 
messages which caused the errors, etc.

-- Murphy

On Oct 9, 2014, at 3:24 PM, Farzaneh Pakzad 
<f.pak...@uq.edu.au<mailto:f.pak...@uq.edu.au>> wrote:

Hi Murphy,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

Regarding to the first question:

What components were you running in POX?
I ran the openflow.discovery component of pox to detect the switches and links 
between them. (I also ran the forwarding.l2_learning switch and again I get 
this error: OFPBRC_BUFFER_UNKNOWN and other Openflow error messages such as 
flow mod failed )

And the second one:
And is OFELIA raw hardware or are you running under Flowvisor?
OFELIA is running under Flowvisor according to the below information from this 


"In order to slice the OpenFlow resources to support multiple experiments and 
users, the Expedient system, from which OFELIA inherits some of the most 
important features, make use of 4 layers: at the bottom are OpenFlow switches, 
then on top of them, the Flowvisor, the Opt-In Manager, and finally the 
OpenFlow Expedient connector. The Flowvisor is the most necessary part to 
isolate and support multiple experiments. At an abstract level, Flowvisor is a 
transparent proxy between many islands with OpenFlow switches and OpenFlow 
controllers used in a certain slice. Basically, the Flowvisor(s) present in 
each island (or provider) monitors OpenFlow protocol messages from and to the 
controllers, ensuring that each slice defined by the FlowSpace (a set of header 
values defined to isolate experiments) operates on traffic within that space."

Best regards,

From: Murphy McCauley [mailto:murphy.mccau...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, 9 October 2014 5:10 PM
To: Farzaneh Pakzad
Cc: pox-dev@lists.noxrepo.org<mailto:pox-dev@lists.noxrepo.org>
Subject: Re: [pox-dev] OFPBRC_BUFFER_UNKNOWN in OFELIA testbed

It might be much easier with more information.  What components were you 
running in POX?  And is OFELIA raw hardware or are you running under Flowvisor?

-- Murphy

On Oct 8, 2014, at 6:57 PM, Farzaneh Pakzad 
<f.pak...@uq.edu.au<mailto:f.pak...@uq.edu.au>> wrote:

Hello everybody,

I don't know if it is a relevant question to ask here:

I am trying to do OpenFlow topology discovery (with pox) in real testbed called 

I've chosen some switches form one of the island to run the test.
After I did all the settings, the controller started to work and detect the 
switches and links between them.
However, in the meantime there are some openflow error messages and warnings as 
well. These errors are as follow:

ERROR:openflow.of_01:[00-00-00-00-00-02|512 2] OpenFlow Error:
[00-00-00-00-00-02|512 2] Error: header:
[00-00-00-00-00-02|512 2] Error:   version: 1
[00-00-00-00-00-02|512 2] Error:   type:    1 (OFPT_ERROR)
[00-00-00-00-00-02|512 2] Error:   length:  28
[00-00-00-00-00-02|512 2] Error:   xid:     0
[00-00-00-00-00-02|512 2] Error: type: OFPET_BAD_REQUEST (1)
[00-00-00-00-00-02|512 2] Error: code: OFPBRC_BUFFER_UNKNOWN (8)
[00-00-00-00-00-02|512 2] Error: datalen: 16
[00-00-00-00-00-02|512 2] Error: 0000: 01 0d 00 10 00 00 00 18  9e 11 2d 2c 00 
06 00 00   |..........-,....|

INFO:packet:(lldp tlv parse) warning TLV data too short to parse (86)
INFO:packet:(lldp parse) error parsing TLV
Would you please help me with that?

I would like to know if anyone had this problem before
and what makes this problem to happen and if I can solve it or not?

Thank you all.


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