The Raes lab (VIB, University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium) is hiring 3 motivated postdocs /
PhD students in the computational analysis of metagenomics data, with a particular
emphasis on human-associated microbial communities in health and disease.

The last few years have seen a revolution in the functional and phylogenetic profiling of
complete microbial communities through (next-generation) environmental shotgun
sequencing (metagenomics). Recently, these approaches are being used to study the
combined genetic material of microbial communities that live on and in the human body (the
human microbiome), with important clinical applications in autoimmune disorders, infection
and nutrition-related pathologies.

The proposed research projects focus on bioinformatics tool development for comparative metagenomics of next-generation sequencing data (Raes et al. Curr Opin Microbiol 2007) as well as further development and/or application of
multivariate analysis methods (Gianoulis, Raes et al PNAS 2008) towards clinical ecosystems
biology of the human ecosystem (Raes and Bork Nat Rev Microbiol 2008). Methods
are applied to public data, within the framework of existing collaborations (e.g. the MetaHIT
consortium, and on sequencing projects initiated within the lab.
VIB is an exciting, interdisciplinary research institute with excellent facilities (e.g. proteomics,
next-gen sequencing) and research groups in e.g. immunology, microbiology, genetics,
molecular and cellular biology and translational research.

The Raes lab is located on the
campus of the University of Brussels, a vibrant, international city in the hart of Europe.

Requirements (Postdocs)

‐ PhD in bioinformatics, computational biology, biostatistics, (environmental) genomics,
population genetics or equivalent
‐ Good programming skills (perl/python/ruby/etc, SQL, R), proficiency in Unix/Linux
‐ Strong background in statistics is a plus ‐
 Good knowledge of (clinical) microbiology, biochemistry and/or microbial ecology is a plus
‐ Experience with (meta)genomics data and/or microarray data analysis, network
inference/modeling is a plus

Requirements (PhD students)

‐ Masters in Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Bioengineering, (Molecular) Biology,
Microbiology or equivalent ‐
 Basic programming skills or strong motivation to learn
‐ Experience with (meta)genomics data and/or microarray data analysis is a plus

Interested candidates are encouraged to send their CV, along with a letter stating their
interest and contact details of two references to Informal enquiries
can also be addressed to the same email address. Further info on


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