
Just forwarding on a quick reminder about the upcoming deadline for the International Computing Education Research Workshop (ICER) on April 20th for those interested. Details below...

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Csed-research] ICER-11: papers due April 20
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2011 17:38:22 -0400
From: Sanders, Kathryn <ksand...@ric.edu>
To: csed-resea...@u.washington.edu <csed-resea...@u.washington.edu>


Just a reminder that the ICER paper deadline is fast approaching, two and a half weeks from now.

We hope that ICER will be the place to discuss all aspects of CS education research, from informal conversations about new ideas and study designs all the way to refereed papers. We welcome paper submissions in two categories:

Research papers. 8 pages. Research papers should include:
A clear theoretical basis, building on existing literature in computing education, computer science, and other related disciplines. A strong empirical basis, drawing on relevant research methods. Papers that re-interpret and explain others’ empirical results are welcome. An explication of the paper’s impact on, and contribution to, existing knowledge about computing education.

Discussion papers. 6 pages. Work in progress, or dissemination and discussion of new ideas in Computing Education Research. Discussion papers fail to meet one or more of the criteria for research papers, but have the potential to become exemplary ICER papers if given the opportunity to be presented to and discussed by the community.

For more details see http://icer-conference.org/icer2011/call-for-papers/

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Michael Caspersen
Alison Clear
Kate Sanders (Workshop Co-Chairs)

Brian Dorn, Ph.D.                                        Dana Hall 310B
Assistant Professor                             Office: +1 860-768-5925
Departments of Computer Science and                Fax: +1 860-768-5927
Multimedia Web Design and Development                bd...@hartford.edu
University of Hartford                 http://www.cs.hartford.edu/~dorn

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

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