
Please see below for details of 4 PhD student positions - no 4 is very relevant 
to those with an interest in PPIG:

The Software Engineering Division at the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering at
Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg, Sweden

* 4 PhD student positions in Software Engineering *


Important information:

Position 1:
Application deadline: 2013-06-17

Positions 2&3:
Application deadline: 2013-08-01

Position 4:
Application deadline: 2013-06-20


Information about the Department

The department is strongly international, with approximately 80
faculty and 70 PhD students from 30 countries. The positions are
placed in the Software Engineering (SE) Division. Research within the
SE division ranges over the whole spectrum of software engineering,
from technology to management research. Areas involve requirements
engineering, software architecture, software design, model-driven
development, verification and validation, software process
improvement, and human factors. Software Engineering is a strategic
area at the department and activities in the field are envisaged to
grow further. In 2011, the Software Research Centre was established in
close collaboration with industrial partners, which presents excellent
opportunities to conduct research with industry.


Job description Position 1:

The research of the advertised PhD position will be in the area of
model-based software engineering for embedded systems, specifically
model-based requirements engineering for automotive software.
Model-based requirements engineering enables defining the expected
behavior, e.g., order of signals, timing constraints, state changes,
in a consistent and unambiguous way compared to informal text.
Furthermore, the models allow executing and proving the correctness of
the models already before the actual development begins. In the
project, existing model-based requirements engineering approaches will
be assessed on automotive requirements and based on these results
improvements to these approaches will be developed.

The research will take place in the European project CRYSTAL with a
strong collaboration with Swedish and European automotive companies.
The project is run by the Software Engineering for Embedded and
Automotive Systems (SEAS) research group at the division, which
carries out research and development projects with national and
international partners from academia and industry.

Further Information:


Job description Position 2:

This project aims to develop techniques for automatically updating UML
models based on progressing source code. A typical situation in
software development projects is that a UML design of the systems is
made in the early phase of the project. Once the project moves into
later phases, emphasis of the developers shifts from designing to the
source code. Changes are then only applied to the source code and the
UML model becomes increasingly outdated. However, there are several
occasions when an up-to-date model is valuable: for maintenance
engineers, for testers and for engineerings joining a project at a
later stage. The approach: a test set of UML models and source code is
available. The project consists of: (1) Developing techniques for
selecting which parts of the changes to the source code should be used
to update the UML model. These may be statistics-based learning
techniques, summarization techniques, feature-identification or other
problem-specific approaches. (2) Implementing tooling to show and
validate the approach, ideally working with industrial case studies.

Further information:


Job description Position 3:

This project aims to develop a new approach for software
composition. The novelty of this composition model is that it is aims
to separate concerns related to technical composition, functionality
(semantics) and interaction style in different interfaces. The
feasibility of this approach will be demonstrated by developing a
component model that will enable user-driven composition of webpages
(somewhat similar to internet mash-ups).

Further information:


Job description Position 4:

The focus on psychology in software engineering (SE) has increased in
the last couple of years. In order to fully understand and increase
productivity, these social aspects need consideration. Very little is
done in the multidisciplinary field of combining software development
with social and group psychology. Some studies have been made
regarding personality traits and SE, but many aspects are to be found
on the group-level such as norms, culture, leadership, group
development, conflict management etc. Many believe that these aspects
become extra important in an agile development process.

The PhD student position focuses on integrating psychological factors
into software engineering practices. The research will use a
multi-disciplinary approach and rely on quantitative as well as
qualitative methods. During the thesis work a new methodology to
integrate social psychology aspect into software development will be
developed. Examples of research question that can be addressed are: a)
How can psychological (group dynamics) aspects be integrated into
agile software development? b) How do improved team-level processes
affect results? c) How can the effects of psychological aspects be

Further information:



For questions, please contact:

Position 1:

Dr. Matthias Tichy,
Department of Computer Sciene and Engineering
Software Enginering Division
phone +46 31 772 6031<tel:%2B46%2031%20772%206031>
e-mail ti...@chalmers.se<mailto:ti...@chalmers.se>

Positions 2&3:

Prof. Dr. Michel Chaudron
Department of Computer Sciene and Engineering
Software Enginering Division
phone +46 31 772 1165<tel:%2B46%2031%20772%201165>
e-mail chaud...@chalmers.se<mailto:chaud...@chalmers.se>

Position 4:

Dr. Richard Torkar
Department of Computer Sciene and Engineering
Software Enginering Division
phone +46 31 772 5719<tel:%2B46%2031%20772%205719>
e-mail richard.tor...@chalmers.se<mailto:richard.tor...@chalmers.se>

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