Call for Papers: ICER 2014

Quintin Cutts, Beth Simon and Brian Dorn, chairs for this year's ACM 
International Computing Education Research Conference, ICER 2014, invite you to 
submit a research paper or lightning talk.  The Conference, the 10th in the 
series, will be held in Glasgow, Scotland on August 11-13th.

Submission Deadlines:
-- April 14, 2014 -- Research paper submissions (8 pages) with a one week 
re-submission allowance.
-- June 16, 2014 -- Lightning talk abstract submissions.

Just prior to the Conference, there will be a Doctoral Consortium (DC), with 
support to attend available from SIGCSE; and just afterwards, there'll be a 
Critical Research Review (CRR).  Both activities will enable researchers to 
gain high-quality critical feedback on their research plans, providing an 
excellent springboard for a successful and productive research year in 2014/15.

Why submit to/attend ICER 2014?

- Authors have in the past explicitly noted how the quality of ICER reviews 
significantly improved their work.
- Our single-track, discussion-oriented, paper sessions result in significant 
additional feedback being provided on every paper.
- The format enables you to meet new researchers and initiate valuable new 
research activities.
- If you are new to empirical computer science education research, you will be 
immersed in a practising community for three days.
- Either before or after the conference, you have an opportunity to 
significantly enhance your research agenda, via the DC or the CRR.
- You can include a holiday in Scotland, including the Edinburgh Festival, the 
Commonwealth Games (in Glasgow!),
    and more historic and pre-historic castles, lochs, glens, islands and 
mountains than you've ever dreamed of...

Full details, including the full CFP, available at<>

We're looking forward to receiving your papers,

best regards,

Quintin, Beth and Brian.

Brian Dorn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Union Pacific Community Chair of Computer Science Education
University of Nebraska at Omaha |

PKI 174E
402-554-4905 (office)
402-554-3284 (fax)<>


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