Hello PPIGers,
In my quest to observe software engineers at work, I have come across a
company on Ireland's west coast with an interesting project. Annadale
Technology are running a summer school for students aged ~16 who are
academically strong but have never programmed before.
"The aim of the program is to give the participants a strong grounding
in how computers work, how networks and the Internet works, and how to
write software using the Java programming language and a variety of
other software tools.
The participants will understand how quality software is developed, how
to find information to help them solve problems, and hopefully they will
learn that programming is a fun and rewarding activity."
This is because they're having trouble hiring good graduates, so they
are hoping to nurture a few of their own. Does PPIG have any advice for
I also suggested that a PPIGer might like to do a case study on the
project. If you'd be interested, let me know and I'll put you in touch
with them.
Rebecca Yates
Lero - The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre
University of Limerick
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