
Anybody interested is very welcome.

Thanks for posting this information.
I wish people would post information about events of
interest to ppig-ers.  It is very frustrating to find out
about an interesting event after it has happened.

Taking my own medicine, I am talking about
The impact of experience on software developer performance
in March at Brunel:

All the best -


Empirical Studies of Software Development - research at The Open University

Thursday 15 Mar 2012, 18:30 - 20:00 (sandwiches and beverages from 18:00) Hub 
Theatre<http://www3.open.ac.uk/contact/locations.aspx>, Open University, Milton 
Keynes, MK7 6AA

Please register for this event by e-mailing to 
mailto:mcs-computing-secretar...@open.ac.uk your dietary requirements and your 
name and affiliation as it should appear on your badge.

Professional software practice is easily taken for granted, but the best 
practice embodies knowledge, experience and insight that can be shared to good 
effect. Empirical studies of software development aim to understand how 
software is actually engineered and maintained in practice, in order to develop 
better techniques and tools to support software developers and managers.

The Open University has a strong research record in qualitative and 
quantitative empirical research of professional software development, drawing 
on methods and theory from cognitive psychology and sociology among other 
disciplines to provide analytic insight. Our research is based on field studies 
of practices ranging from small start-ups to multi-national corporations.

The evening will start with brief talks overviewing the various research 
strands, followed by mingling around posters, where you can learn more details 
and discuss research challenges and opportunities in your organisation. Topics 
to be presented include ethnographic studies of agile development and 
scientific software development, mining open source software repositories for 
vocabulary usage and for assessing architectural evolution, studies of expert 
software design and of meaningful changes in software development.

Dr. Judith Segal
Department of Computing
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA

Derek M. Jones                  tel: +44 (0) 1252 520 667
Knowledge Software Ltd          blog:shape-of-code.coding-guidelines.com
Source code analysis            http://www.knosof.co.uk

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity 
in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

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