
To see emotions and programming in practice, please have a look at [1]

[1] https://plus.google.com/u/0/107047216886809435181/posts/4xaFd8mymBa

On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Judith Good <j.g...@sussex.ac.uk> wrote:
> Raoul,
> Thanks for the feedback.
> The Subtle Stones (the tangible devices) were developed by Madeline Balaam as 
> part of her PhD research, and were originally designed to be used by 
> secondary school students in language learning classes.  She went through a 
> careful process of learner-centred design before arriving at the final 
> prototype: more details can be found in her thesis:
> http://prism.talis.com/sussex-ac/items/1021682
> When designing the desktop application, we incorporated features that arose 
> from the empirical work carried out with the Subtle Stones (e.g. ability to 
> record more than one emotion simultaneously, report on degrees of emotion, 
> etc.) into the design.  However, I would be the first to admit that the 
> application would have benefited from more development time and a more 
> thorough round of user testing.
> We are now using a variation of the Subtle Stones in a study with families 
> who have children with Autism Spectrum Conditions, given the multiple 
> difficulties the children often experience with respect to emotion (e.g. 
> recognising emotions in themselves and others, acting on emotions in 
> appropriate ways, etc.).  Although the devices worked well in the classroom, 
> they are presenting some problems "in the wild", e.g. batteries run out 
> quickly, are a pain for family members to change and, as one child said, 
> "They look like they should bounce, but they don't." ;-)
> Although I feel that the idea behind the devices is well worth exploring, the 
> actual format of the devices is still completely open, so thank you for your 
> thoughts on improving them!
> Judith
> On 20 Feb 2013, at 00:18, Raoul Duke wrote:
>>> Self-Reporting emotional experiences in computing lab sessions: an 
>>> emotional regulation perspective
>>> Judith Good, Jon Rimmer, Eric Harris and Madeline Balaam
>> i'm curious how the 2 devices for recording emotional state were
>> thought up - i had immediate reactions, thoughts about what i
>> off-the-cuff (subjective, unresearched) see as negative issues with
>> them and ideas about what would be better. of course it often depends
>> on what resources are available, both for the physical in-hand device
>> and the software one.
>> overall the hair-brained vision i have in my head is a set of cubes,
>> with a rudimentary motion sensor inside. emoticons on the faces.
>> multiple cubes to allow for multiple dimensions.
>> sincerely.
>> --
>> The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt 
>> charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

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