Our Media Computation approach was explicitly design to address this issue - we 
use it to teach our required course for Liberal Arts, Architecture, and 
Business students.  Our papers on the approach can be found at 

We have written an ICER paper about how we convinced students to buy into this: 


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On Apr 22, 2013, at 3:15 AM, "Gergely Buday" 
<gbu...@gmail.com<mailto:gbu...@gmail.com>> wrote:


I teach programming to students who do not really know why they came
into the course called business informatics, who are not really versed
in mathematics and, possibly because of these, are not motivated to do
hard work grasping the concepts and to hack a lot. I feel that they
are not fond of problem solving, even in the everyday sense: some of
them do not care if they meet a problem,  just give up.

I guess some of you were faced to this problem, so ask: how can I
motivate these students?

What is a must to read on this topic?

- Gergely

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